Powder weighing and filling machine, Auto Weighing, Weighing Management, Weighing Systems

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TSU-F2 Powder weighing and filling machine

The inverter speed control and parts customized to customer specifications will suit any type of powder.

High Precision

High-Precision/High-Speed Filling with double unit operation and antecedent weighing system!

Cleaning Performance

Much easier tool-free overhaul and cleaning!


Extensive automation in combination with a conveyor!

Feature 1 High-Precision/High-Speed Filling

Only 40 seconds

Feature 2 Cleaning Performance

Tool-free overhaul of screw feeder,
hopper, and valves
Swift and simple cleaning.

  • Screw Feeder
  • Hopper
  • Valves

Feature 3 Expandability

Extensive automation in combination with a conveyor, packing machine, etc.

Device Configuration

Device Configuration


Feeder Φ30 2Axle Screw Feeder
(with Agitator)×2
Hopper Scale Load Cell 1 point supporting
(Rating 300g/Minimum scale value 0.5g)
Storage Tank Water Level Capacity 7Lx2
Filling Performance MAX180bags/h (When set to 100g)
Filling Precision ±2g (Theoretical)
Controller Touch Panel/Weighing Setup Function
Power Source 200VAC 3Phase
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